The Porsche Whistleblower System

Complying with statutory regulations and internal rules, and the Code of Conduct, has top priority at Porsche. The success of our company is based on Integrity and Compliance. To meet these standards, it is important to learn of potential employee misconduct and to put a stop to it. Porsche's Whistleblower System processes incoming tips independently and confidentially.

A key pillar of the Whistleblower System is the principle of procedural fairness. It also guarantees the greatest possible protection for whistleblowers, persons implicated and employees contributing to the investigation of reported misconduct.

This also includes offering opportunities for anonymous reporting and communication. Furthermore, Porsche does not tolerate any discrimination against whistleblowers or anyone who contributes to investigations at Porsche. Persons implicated are presumed innocent until the violation is proven. Investigations will be conducted with the utmost confidentiality.

How do we process your report?

After the submission of a tip, you will get a confirmation of the receipt and then your report will be assessed. If further information is required, we will contact you. We therefore ask you to leave a contact option even if you submit a report anonymously (e.g. via the online reporting channel — see below).

Only if this initial evaluation shows grounds for suspicion of a violation will an investigation will be started. Afterwards, the results of the investigation will be assessed and appropriate measures will be taken.

Do you have any concern or feedback regarding a Porsche product or service?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your new or used vehicle, have feedback or complaints about services provided by Porsche or our business partners (e.g. car dealerships, workshops), please contact us at

Making a report to the Whistleblower System

The Whistleblower System offers various channels to report potential employee misconduct.

24/7 Hotline

You can contact Porsche's Whistleblower System at the following phone number:

+ 49 711 911 24444*.

Furthermore, you can make a report at anytime (24/7/365), using the international toll-free number:

+800 444 46300*.

If your local phone provider does not support the toll-free service, you can call the following toll number:

+49 5361 946300.

* Depending on the country you are calling from, it is possible that the international toll-free hotline is not available since some phone network providers do not support the service. If so, please use the provided toll number or your country-specific number.

Country-specific numbers

• Brazil

0800-5912743 (Toll-free Number)

021-23911381 (Local Nummer)

• Mexico

001-800-4610242 (Toll-free Number)

0155-71000355 (Local Nummer)

• Slovak Republic

0800-002576 (Toll-free Number)

02-33325602 (Local Nummer)


833-6571574 (Toll-free Number)

908-2198092 (Local Nummer)

• South Africa

0800-99483 (Toll-free Number)

021-1003533 (Local Nummer)

• Malaysia

1-800-819523 (Toll-free Number)

0154-600099 (Local Nummer)

• Argentina

0800-6662992 (Toll-free Number)

011-52528632 (Local Nummer)

• Deutschland

0800-444 46300 (Toll-free Number)

049-5361 946300 (Local Nummer)

Online Reporting Channel

You have the option of using a multi-language web-based communication platform to contact the Porsche Whistleblower System. This system is confidential and technically secured.

Even if your preferred language is not offered in the reporting channel, you can use any language to submit your report. You can also contact the Porsche Whistleblower System in any language via e-mail or mail.

Online Reporting Channel


External lawyers (ombudsmen) advise on the Whistleblower System and ensure that reports from whistleblowers are forwarded to the whistleblower system — anonymously if desired.

If you want to get in contact with the Ombudsperson you can find their contact details here:


You can get in contact with the Whistleblower System of Porsche via e-mail:

Postal Address / in person

Postal address:

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

GR - Legal and Compliance

Whistleblower Office

Porscheplatz 1

70435 Stuttgart, Germany

In Person:

If you would like a personal meeting, please send us an email in advance to make an appointment at

Do you need a local contact?

Furthermore, our local Compliance department can also be addressed in all matters of the Whistleblower System via (Germany) (Czech Republic) (Romania)